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Privacy Policy

Genetic Technologies, Inc., takes the privacy of its clients’ personal information very seriously. We have security measures in place to protect the privacy of information under our control.

Genetic Technologies, Inc., does not disclose, sell or transfer any personal information it collects to third parties, unless ordered to do so by a court of law. Personal information received by Genetic Technologies, Inc., includes DNA analysis and forensic serology for human identification in matters of forensic evidence determination and paternity testing for the legal system. Other personal information collected by Genetic Technologies is primarily for shipping and billing purposes, and includes name, address, phone number, FAX number, e-mail address, payment information (credit card/bank debit information) and shipping address. Access to this information is not available to anyone other than the individual client in a password-protected environment.

Genetic Technologies, Inc. does not release information to anyone other than the initiating client, tested individuals, and/or their authorized legal representative. Genetic Technologies, Inc. will not issue reports or release test results to a third party unless ordered to do so by the court. The initiating client will be notified by Genetic Technologies, Inc., that a court order has been issued prior to releasing test results to a third party and/or their legal representative. Test results will be mailed to the initiating client. Test results will only be released over the telephone to initiating client and/or their legal representative with written consent of the initiating client and use of a pre-arranged password.

Genetic Technologies never makes client information public and all case files are password protected. All information provided to this firm is used solely for the purposes for which we have been retained, and results are released only to the individual or firm, which hired us to perform the analysis.

DNA systems analyzed at this facility are used solely for human identification purposes and pose no insight into disease predispositions or physical characteristics. Genetic Technologies, Inc. is accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks, which assesses our file security and confidentiality practices as part of their accreditation process.

Genetic Technologies, Inc. will maintain electronic data / case reports for a period of five years. Special arrangements may be made if necessary for a client to retain such data for a longer period of time.

We are in compliance with the Safe Harbor Principles of the European Union. We periodically review employee training and internal procedures to ensure compliance with the privacy of our client’s personal information, and we cooperate with governmental Data Protection Authorities in the resolution of consumer disputes regarding our use of their personal information.

For questions regarding Genetic Technologies’ privacy policy, or to dispute our use of our client’s private information, contact us at Info@genetictechnologies.com.


Genetic Technologies gave me the evidence I needed to support a conviction of a criminal Defendant for kidnap and rape.